5 Reasons Thyroid Sufferers Should Become Health Coaches


I know you think it sounds crazy for me to suggest that someone suffering from thyroid disease should consider becoming a health coach,  but just hear me out. My guess is you’re tired of feeling AWFUL ( or you wouldn’t be searching blogs for answers) and you probably don’t want other people to feel AWFUL either. Those are great reasons to become a health coach!

There is a misconception that health coaches have all the answers but that’s just not true. Most health coaches are a few steps ahead of you on their own journey or have a desire to get better and help others do the same.

So I wanted to share 5 great reasons why a thyroid sufferer should consider becoming a health coach:

You want a lot more knowledge on your disease process and dietary theories.

Knowledge is power… if you apply what you learn. Reading a book about a specific diet is a great way to gain knowledge but taking a class with an instructor and other students to bounce ideas off of helps you take action. I gained so much insight from my instructors and fellow students- some of which had Hashimoto’s like me. You can learn a lot from other people’s experiences.

You want to improve your health (or help a family member improve theirs).

Maybe you’re not the one suffering from thyroid disease but a close family member is. A mother in one of my groups had a daughter with Hashimoto’s and she found our community to be such a valuable resource. She gained a lot of knowledge on why her daughter needed to be gluten free and  many of the other students offered up recipes and blogs they followed that made that transition easier for her family. Now she’s writing a book to help other parents understand what t children with thyroid disease go through.

You enjoy helping others.

If making a difference in someone else’s life (and health) makes you feel good that’s a great reason to become a health coach.

You want to do something in the wellness industry ( even if it’s not directly coaching others).

Maybe you’re not sure coaching is for you and that’s ok. Maybe your thing is starting a cooking blog or writing books about wellness topics. Maybe you’re interested in creating a product or you’re in a health or wellness based MLM. Health coach training can help you in all of these ventures.

You want a flexible schedule and like the idea of working from anywhere.

Health coaching lets you design your own schedule. You can hold in person or online classes based on your personal goals. Perhaps through the summer months you would do a lot of live group consults but in the winter you focus more on promoting your online programs. Or maybe you’d like to travel and can run the facebook group that goes with your online program from anywhere. Maybe you don’t feel great now but want to start a wellness blog- you could switch up your schedule based on how you’re feeling.

The possibilities are endless, but if you want to be successful at earning a part time or full time income you have to put in the work. I hope you’ll consider the idea of becoming a health coach ( even if you’re not the picture of health right now). If you’d like to explore this idea more check out the bottom of my about page and get some free information on how to become a health coach.