My journey…
Hey there frustrated lady…I’m Angie. I help women with autoimmunity and hormone imbalances Revamp their Routine so they can go from surviving to thriving And Gain the energy to thrive.
I know you’re a hormonally challenged woman who feels SO overwhelmed and you’re struggling to balance it all. You’re exhausted, anxious and most days you can’t keep everything straight.
I know you have a nagging feeling that there must be MORE to all these symptoms you’re experiencing- like cold hands, dry skin, joint pain, weight gain and hair loss- and you’re frustrated when the tests come back normal. You’re told you’re fine when you know you’re not.
I know you’re ready to overcome your thyroid issues, hormone imbalances or autoimmune dis-ease and live life on purpose instead of barely making it through the day without a nap. You’re tired of starting a new diet every month hoping that this one will give you more energy and finally make the weight start to budge.
I know you know there’s more to life… and I know you’re not willing to settle for feeling this way anymore.
I know because I’ve been there.
If you have autoimmune thyroid disease or hormone imbalances like me, you're struggling to heal and find your way back to a better you. There has to be an answer to your illness, some combination of lifestyle changes that will help you feel better, have more energy, lift the brain fog and finally lose the weight.
I felt awful for years before being diagnosed with autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's). Once I was diagnosed I was SO happy to finally have an answer and I thought the medication that was prescribed would fix everything.
But that was just the beginning of an endless roller coaster ride of chasing symptoms and trying everything under the sun to feel better and have more energy.
When you feel really bad you’ll try just about anything
I tried just about every diet out there, not so much to lose weight but to FEEL better. I "counted points" multiple times, tried low carb and Paleo diets, autoimmune diets, elimination diets, fermented food diets and doctor prescribed meal replacements- with supplements.
But I had a hard time sticking to them or they required tons of food prep. And none of them really worked that well for me.
4 doctors, 2 medication changes (with varying doses) and tons of lab tests later I still had just about every symptom that goes with low thyroid function-extreme fatigue, low energy, cold intolerance, digestive issues, heart palpitations, tingling extremities, brain fog etc.
I still didn’t have any energy and I couldn’t lose any weight.
Then I thought i found my answer and was able to:
Lose 37 lbs in 100 days, 56 lbs total
Lower my CRP from double digits to 3, C-Reactive Protein is a systemic inflammatory marker
Put my autoimmune thyroid disease in remission by bringing my antibodies down
Bring my pre-diabetic blood sugar levels to low normal
Gain a TON of energy,
2016 weight loss
But two years later it seemed like my whole world fell apart and I experienced a series of tragic events that brought me to my knees. I had a huge autoimmune flare. My adrenals were shot and my Hormones went crazy.
Several months after the flare, I came out of the storm of symptoms and decided I needed to move forward. Even though it’s hard to go back to square one, I knew it was time for a change. I needed to figure out what worked NOW because everything that worked before didn’t work anymore.
I started reviewing programs. Nutrient dense foods that were plant based and clean eating helped. Gluten free, dairy free helped. Alkaline foods that lower inflammation helped.
I already knew what didn't work- crazy, extreme diets with hard to stick to protocols and highly processed junk food. Oh and counting calories doesn't work for me.
Again, I bounced between different supplements, diets and protocols. This went on for a couple of years and then when I was finally starting to feel better the global pandemic hit and I came down with Covid twice in 2 years.
I’ve found extreme stress, both physical and mental, on top of chronic disease can REALLY mess with your gut, increase inflammation, make you more insulin resistant and disrupt ALL your hormones. Throw some peri-menopause symptoms on top of all of that.
When you feel bad physically for an extended period of time it affects your mental wellness as well. Imbalances are seldom just physical and the root cause can be way beneath the surface.
Autoimmune and hormone issues can be difficult to navigate but by focusing on bio-individuality, nurturing foods, targeted supplements, self care and working through emotions we can peel back the layers, rise from the darkness of dis-ease and find our center.
I’m still navigating my own journey, but I’m on a mission is to share all that I’ve learned so you don’t have to go through everything I’ve been through.
Beyond my personal experience with hormone imbalance, I have a background as a Registered Nurse and a Certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN ) with specialized training in hormone health. I geek out on the science and have read a ridiculous number of books on thyroid, hormones, gut health and healing. I’ve helped other women decipher their symptoms and test results and get back on track.
Ultimately I want to help you feel better and have more energy as quickly as possible. By offering thyroid, adrenal and gut specific protocols and partnering with the only mental wellness company focused on the gut-brain-axis, I hope to do just that.
Let’s go from surviving to thriving!
These are the programs I attended from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach specializing in Hormone Health. IIN has an awesome program! If you're interested in taking a deep dive into wellness or becoming a health coach and impacting the lives of others I highly recommend you check out IIN. Click the button to get the curriculum guide and find out more.