My "why" for starting an online business


I first thought about starting an online business after my last miscarriage. That may seem strange but it wasn’t really about starting a “business”. I needed something new to focus on after miscarring yet again because my thyroid numbers were way out of range. I decided to make it my mission to put useful information out there that would help other women avoid going through the same things I’d been through. That’s my “why”- the reason I’m doing any of this.

Although I’m not exactly where I want to be on my own health journey, I’m determined to feel my best again and I want that for anyone reading this blog. Life is to short to live with brain fog, digestive issues, dry skin, cold feet and no energy day in and day out.

Over the last 5 years, I have learned way more about my thyroid and hormones than I ever wanted to know. And in trying to figure out how to share what I’ve learned with other women, I decided having the information online would have the potential to reach the most people. So I’ve set out to build a blog and a business that will make a difference in the lives of women with thyroid disease.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to include ”business” information on my blog, I mean what does business have to do with your thyroid? But then I started thinking, your thyroid affects EVERYTHING in your life.

For many women all the symptoms they experience with thyroid disease can affect their job performance and make it hard to work in a traditional job setting. Lack of energy, brain fog and low immunity can add up to a lot of sick days as well.

Even women that are able to work may need extra income to help pay for medical expenses, specific foods (like gluten free items) and supplements. A chronic illness affects every part of your life- even your finances.

In trying to get my blog started I quickly realized there is a lot more to it than just starting a blog, I’ve been learning all kinds of things I didn’t know before- about setting up a blog, creating a brand, using autoresponders, email sequencing, copywriting and using social media to grow.

I’ll be sharing what I’ve learned here on the business blog. While I’m not the least bit “techie”, I’ve found most of it is manageable if you use the right tools. I hope this is helpful to you if you’ve been thinking about starting something online too.