Why I Decided to Learn Online Marketing


A couple of years ago I unintentionally started a network marketing business. I was a product “success story” and people were reaching out to me wanting to know what I was using and how they could get the products.

So I reached out to the person who enrolled me, followed the scripts she gave me, had small events and even went through the entire product catalog with one person (if you’re reading this I’m so sorry for that, lol).

Eventually the surge of sales dropped off, I was tired of scheduling events that only a few people actually attended and reaching out to a list of people that weren’t interested in the product was getting old.

So I entered the mysterious world of online marketing to try to figure out how to do this network marketing thing online. I was researching what to do and kept coming back to this guy named Russell Brunson that didn’t look much older than my 20 year old son.

Russell was actually older than he looked and had years of online marketing experience, taking companies from nothing to 6 and 7 figures through the use of sales funnels. There weren’t just one or two success stories but hundreds of people that he had helped become successful with sales funnels.

I could see how this could work with certain businesses but wasn’t sure it would work with network marketing- or either of our local businesses for that matter (real estate and construction).

I went ahead and bought a couple of his books and was ready to start trying to implement some of what I learned but about the same time the network marketing team I joined- one of the largest in our company- imploded. So I put the online marketing thing aside.

Fast forward several months and we had taken on a lot more personal expenses. Additional living expenses, more medical bills and other things were increasing the financial pressures on our family.

Even though we own our own business we were trading time for money and not having a residual income wasn’t working so well anymore.

So I decided to revisit that online marketing thing. After watching several videos, listening to podcasts and diving deeper into that space, what Russell was saying was starting to click. I could see how online marketing would help us and our business.

I signed up for the next One Funnel Away Challenge to learn how to put it all together. Even though some personal things have come up that have made me question if I’ll be able to finish the challenge ( like my Mother having another heart attack), I’m determined to push through.

Part of the challenge is to publish your journey, so I’ll be doing that here, on the business side of my blog.