Why I Decided to Learn Online Marketing

Why I Decided to Learn Online Marketing

A couple of years ago I unintentionally started a network marketing business. I was a product “success story” and people were reaching out to me wanting to know what I was using and how they could get the products. So I reached out to the person who enrolled me, followed the scripts she gave me, had small events and even went through the entire product catalog with one person (if you’re reading this I’m so sorry for that, lol). Eventually the surge of sales dropped off, I was tired of scheduling events that only a few people actually attended and reaching out to a list of people that weren’t interested in the product was getting old.

5 Reasons Thyroid Sufferers Should Become Health Coaches

5 Reasons Thyroid Sufferers Should Become Health Coaches

I know you think it sounds crazy for me to suggest that someone suffering from thyroid disease should consider becoming a health coach,  but just hear me out. My guess is you’re tired of feeling AWFUL ( or you wouldn’t be searching blogs for answers) and you probably don’t want other people to feel AWFUL either. Those are great reasons to become a health coach!