Make It Through A Cleanse In 6 Easy Steps

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The idea of doing a Cleanse can be overwhelming to anyone with thyroid disease- believe me I know. It requires a lot of motivation that you probably don’t have when you’re just trying to make it through the day without crashing. To get through your cleanse and keep your motivation high you can follow these easy steps in order and overcome most challenges you might face:


1.      Prep ahead of time. Get all of the food you need and make it easy to access by chopping veggies, preparing soup, and freezing smoothie ingredients in individual bags. Grab and go will make your cleanse easier .Many people struggle with an empty stomach when they shop and then they tend to eat more than they should. So it’s best for someone starting a cleanse to buy all their groceries and prep them before they start .


2.      Review your schedule. Highlight all the major events that are coming up. This will ensure that your cleanse doesn’t overlap or clash with dates when you have  family gatherings or events to attend.


3.     Have a clear set of guidelines. In order to accomplish any goal, it’s important to have a clear set of guidelines to follow. It’s best to review your cleanse plan ahead of time so you  are familiar with what you’re going to be doing and can follow the guidelines. Keep them hand so you can reference them anytime.. This will help you remain focused and stay on track.


4.      Cleanse with a friend to stay on plan. Find a few friends and family that want to cleanse with you. It’ll give you company and seeing them doing the same activities as you will give you extra support and motivation. Motivated partners and social groups will help you stay motivated as well.


5.      Incorporate all the vegetables and fruits you love during your cleanse. It’ll help keep your mind off the idea that you aren’t eating all the other foods you love. When you still taste the foods you love it sends a positive message to your brain.


6.     Share your plans. If you’re visiting with friends and family during your cleanse or even before you start it, share your plans with them. They’ll be less likely to derail your efforts during the cleansing period. and be more supportive.


Finally, once you begin, be sure to track your journey in a food diary. This will help you discover how well you digest certain foods, how foods make you feel, uncover food sensitivities and track any detox symptoms.


Happy Cleansing!!!