Do’s and Don’ts When Clean Eating for Thyroid Health


If you are brand new to clean eating, you might be getting a little overwhelmed with all the information out there. There is a lot to learn, from what you can and can’t eat, to how much, how to read labels for ingredients, and when to exercise. Here is a simple list of some do’s and don’ts that will help you navigate this new healthy lifestyle.


First up, let’s talk about what you can do while you are clean eating for thyroid health. These are some easy tips and guidelines to live by. Use what works best for you.

Eat Breakfast Daily – With clean eating, you want to have enough fuel to get you through the day, so make sure you are having breakfast each morning. Having a protein shake, smoothie, or carb with protein and fat is totally fine. Just put something balanced in your body within the first hour of waking.

Eat More Frequently, Smaller Meals – To keep your metabolism up and increase fat burning, eat smaller meals, but more frequently. Instead of three larger meals a day, split up your calories and other macros into 5-6 meals/ snacks a day.

Meal Prep and Plan – It is vital that you are fully prepared for anything that might come up, which starts with planning your meals and snacks. If you plan on going on a hike or traveling, have plenty of clean eating snacks with you.

Choose Natural Fruit Sources – Instead of having added sugar in your diet, go for natural sugar sources, like stevia, raw honey or fresh fruit.


There are also some common mistakes people tend to make while eating clean. Here are some of those important ‘don’ts’ to keep in mind.

Eat Packaged Foods – One of the simplest ways to eat cleaner is to avoid packaged and processed food. This means skipping all those bags of chips and crackers, packaged cookies, and processed carbs like white rice and white pasta. Stick to stuff you can make or bake from scratch.

Drink Empty Calories – There is no reason to continue drinking soft drinks and sugary fruit juice during the day. These are definitely not clean, have no nutritional value, and are just adding on the empty calories you don’t need. Instead, stick to water, tea and coffee. Add lemon, lime or cucumber to your water for a refreshing twist. You can also add a drop of essential oils to any of these.

Skip the Unhealthy Fats – While you want to avoid excessive amounts of fat like from butter, margarine, and red meat, other fats are healthy and can keep you full. Don’t forget to add in healthy fats like nuts, seeds, coconut oil, and avocados.