Ready to Start a Biz? Start Here:
FEEL LIKE YOU'RE DROWNING IN A SEA OF ONLINE CONFUSION ? I did. IN THe Beginning I JUST WANTED TO START A part time online biz and BLOG about Thyroid Disease So I could help people.
EVERYONE SAID IT WAS EASY- but It Wasn't. Not for one tech challenged person with very limited time and resources. EVERY TIME I SOLVED ONE PROBLEM THREE MORE POPPED UP- SO FRUSTRATING. Granted I'm A Mid-Life Mom who graduated high school before the internet was Born, but Really?
At this point I'M Certainly NOT AN EXPERT, BUT I AM AN ONLINE COURSE JUNKIE (with a bad case of shiny object syndrome) and A google addict. I LEARNED TO NAVIGATE THE WATERS Well ENOUGH TO GET STARTED and I'M happy to SHARE WHAT I'VE LEARNED TO SAVE YOU some TIME, MONEY and frustration.
Health Coaching:
If you're looking for personal health coaching please visit the Programs tab or tag me in the private Facebook group with your questions . Currently I'm working on developing more programs and unable to work one on one with clients :(
If you are thinking about becoming a Health Coach I highly recommend the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Not only will you learn a ton about health and wellness from top experts in their field, you'll also learn about "coaching" and running a coaching business. You can learn more here.
I am SOOO tech challenged it's not even funny. So if it's not fairly easy to figure out it's not for me. I tried Wordpress (.org) a couple of times for blogging and ran into security issues, plugin problems or things that were just over my head (coding) and too time consuming to figure out and fix. I looked at a couple of free sites but even though they looked nice ( great templates) they were way too limited in functionality.
I thought Squarespace would be the same - pretty but not very customizable until I discovered "Index Pages" and totally fell in love! Not only do you own your site content (like WP) but you don't have to mess with plugins or security updates. Squarespace takes care of that for you. You can add some custom code (if you really want to go there), integrate other platforms, even have an ecommerce store.
No affiliate links here- just love it. One of the blogs I read explained WP is like having an android phone and Squarespace is like having an iPhone. One is more customizable but you have may security and other issues. The other is a little more limited but just works.
Will post some of my favorite SS resources soon.
Online Marketing:
If you decide to take the plunge and go down the endless rabbit hole of online marketing you need to meet Russell Brunson -the baby face wrestler turned gazillionaire. Ok, I'm exaggerating about what he's worth but he's certainly on his way.
What I love about Russell is he takes very complex ideas about sales and sales funnels (the process you take a customer through to sell them something) and breaks them down into a step by step process that's easy to grasp and makes sense (see the stick figure drawings in his books).
So if you want to learn online marketing start with his Expert Secrets book. You can get it here for free (just pay shipping).